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Wedding Superstitions

Here is a list of some of the oldest known wedding superstitions. Some of them may surprise you!

Wearing White

This trend is believed to have started with Queen Victoria. In 1840, she wore a white lace silk dress when she married Prince Albert. People were outraged, as this is usually a color for mourning and royalty mainly wore red. In the years preceding, white dresses became more fashionable. White has been said to show purity and innocence in women. It can also symbolize virginity.


Wearing Something Borrowed

You might have heard of the phrase something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue for weddings. The something borrowed has a lot to do with luck. This is typically from a happily married woman (mom, mother-in-law, sister, grandma, etc.) It is said that wearing something they loan you might just give you some success in your new marriage.


Getting Married on a Weekday

An ancient Celtic poem once said, “Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wednesday the best day of all, Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses, and Saturday no luck at all." Many people now think that getting married on a Saturday would be bad luck. Of course, a lot of couples still stick with the weekend for their nuptials.


No Pearl Accessories

Some cultures believe that pearls look like tears and represent sadness or suffering. They say to keep them away from your wedding day. Funny enough, if you are proposed to with a pearl ring, you can give your partner a dollar to offset it. This will count as if you are paying for it, and it is no longer a gift.


Crying to the Altar

It is said to be a good thing to cry all the way to the altar. This is a way to make sure you are happy for the duration of your marriage. Once you are all cried out, the tears will be gone for the rest of your marriage.

Rain On You Wedding Day

A rainy wedding day might be one of the worse things that could happy, especially if its outdoors. Although, superstition says this is a wonderful stroke of luck. It is symbolic of fertility and cleansing. It will give you a fresh start and bring you those children sooner than you think.


Using Your Married Name Before the Wedding

Superstition says that if you do this ahead of the wedding, it will prevent the event from taking place. Also, trying on everything you are going to wear for your wedding day, beforehand, is a no no. It is said that it will jinx it and bring bad luck on your wedding day.  


Crossing Paths with a Nun or Monk

There is a British backstory that says if you see a nun or monk when you are on your way to the wedding, you will not produce children or have money. This is because nuns & monks are known to take vows of chastity and poverty.


Dropping the Rings

Now this one is extreme, but nevertheless, a real superstition. If someone drops one of the rings (no matter who they are) they are next to die. Now this is most likely not going to happen, but let’s just make sure we are still handling those rings with care!


Receiving Knives for a Wedding Gift

A set of good knives is common on the registry. Legends say that the Vikings thought knives symbolize cutting or breaking of relationships. Maybe it’s best to leave this off the registry (just in case).


A Spider on Your Attire

Of course, no one wants a spider to appear on their wedding attire, but it might be a good thing. English tradition says that it is a great omen. So maybe just suck it up this time!